Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Nice and Beautiful Residece

This is amazing building was build by combine wood, stone, and glass, very attractive. Was build on San Juan Island, Washington State location the residence name is The North Bay Architects. The designer of this beautiful residence is Prentiss Archutects. The creator of this residence wan to showoff all of nature condition from this residence location. And the creator want to give to the owner this house comfort during occupied. The perimeter wall is made by strong stone, but have nice architecture and beautiful to look at. Not just the perimeter wall is using the stone, but most of this house wall use of stone arranged in such a way than looks so nice and beautiful. 
This building seen together with the natural. Because the material of this building using the natural material like strong stone, nice wood, and beautiful glass of windows. Its all combined with a careful and interesting. And this building can be filled with items that are not too expensive, just where the layout in that space. 

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