Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Charming Residence With Unique Design and Bright Colors

This residence is very charming and unique. Was build at Cottesleo Australia. The designer make this house with the purpose this building or this residence need not large place to build. If we see from the residence design, this residence use the modern style. Seen from a flat roof and so this residence model not in the widens build. And this house have two level floors. Usually for first floor is using for guest place or family meeting, but in this house is using for children room. And for the second floor is using for guest place or we can use to see the surrounding of this house.

Although construction is minimalistic this house have large enough a swimming pool, play room and children zoning in back side of this house. And this residence is have a large enough farm, this farm can be using for child playing, or other outdoor agenda.  Essentially the building is really very interesting especially coupled scenery around is very charming.

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