Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Forest House Unique and Interesting

This interesting house was build in the forest and much several part of this house made by natural material. This house is designed by Robert Harvey Oshatz Architects and the location of this house in Portland, Oregon. This house can give as more inspiration in our job or in our hobby, like musicians or composer of song. The material of this house is using nice and wood which has been provided by nature and this house form very unique. The form like Tarzan house at past time, but the interior as modern style.  

The interior of this house set as like this to make the owner feel comfortable when stay in this house. And for the floor is using wood that was setting as like this to camouflage the wood. This house was using a large enough glass of windows to make the owner easy when seen the surrounding of this house. And this house there is room as tube, its can using for bedroom or the inspiration room. Its very nice and natural home.

Nice House Covered by Wood and Large Glass

This house is very unique, was made in beautiful green land. Its wad created or designed by architectural studio Natkevicius G and Partners. The location of this house or building in the city of Utri, the District of Klaipeda in Lithuania, this house is made for single family or this house is using for mini family. This house is covered with nice wood model. And this house have a large enough glass of windows, its useful for owner this house to see the surrounding this house. And this house have a garage under the long part of this house. This house not just covered by nice wood, but in side of this house or the floor of this house is using too. Although this house looks so minimalist but this house large enough for one family, example for relax room its quite wide for family. And from this place or room the family can enjoy to see the surrounding of this house.
All part of this house looks so beautiful, because the lighting plan of this house was arranged in an orderly. All of this house looks so cozy, when the owner is using a natural material, like nice wood to cover this house, large enough glass of windows and green of land.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Modern and Unique House With Two Part of Color

Nice and simple this house was build in ferrol, Spanyol. was presented by A-Cero by the name sleek and modern modular houses. Its was build in not wide enough land just 106 square meter area, including three bedrooms, lounge – dining room, laundry room  two baths, hall, and kitchen. The model of this house using a modern style, looks from roof of this house is flat. And the form of this house just rectangle with some elbows on several side of this house. And added with large enough glass of the windows, to make the owner easy to see the surrounding of this house view. That make this house more interesting is a color, divide in two color are white and black. Mostly white color for houses wall and black using more for the interior of this house.
This house looks very attractive when the sun sight, more attractive when the dark is come, because the color was using in this house and light setting. For more know about this house, how the part or the form of this house we show off the blue print of this house.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Luxury, Nice and Unique Black & White House

Strange but unique, this house model is simple and fantastic. was build in hills area. Where the hills is the steep area to build a house or some building. But the designer is very smart, he can build or made in in this area. the construction is very unique. The foundation of this house follows the shape of the ground, i mind not flat. 
And one again this house was in paint with black and white color, its simple color. This house model is old model, its popularized by Nakahouse redesigned by XTEN Architecture in California has dark exterior and white interior, and this house originally it was built in 1960. This house build on a West facing ridge in the Hollywood Hills, just below the Hollywood sign. The surrounding of this house is for south and west are views of the Beechwood Canyon. And for the east is a protected natural ravine, by a view of Griffith Park Observatory in the distance.
from this house place wee can see directly to the Hollywood icon at the hill. This house looks so beautiful when the dark is come, the house viewed a black and white so clear but not glare as when the sun is shine. Color distribution in this house is white for interior design and for black color for exterior design, like roof this house. And this house have enough large glass of windows, which allow the owner seen the surrounding of this house any time. And the stairs made as like this to make the owner easy to up the stairs, and the stairs be paint as like this to make the house more interesting. 

Interesting House On The Top of The Hills

This is house very unique because was build in the high place, and nice architecture because was build with more of stone material, looks blend with natural surroundings. This house was build on the top of a hill on Antiparos, in the Cycladic islands, Greece. This house is made very simple and minimalist. The owner this house was made this house by purpose can protect them from strong winds of the Aegean Sea and can to hide them. This why the house was made like this. Although this does not mean do not have excess. For the first excess, we or the owner can see a beautiful of the Aegean sea from this house and enjoy the shore wind at the morning or the other time. 

If we see from front side of this house, we know the house shape is square and have large enough windows. And the floor very unique, made by stone was range as like this. For the right side of this house was made a unique small pool, here we can put any ornamental fish. For more details can be considered a miniature of this building, where the build is it, and how the construction of this house.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Nice and Beautiful Wooden House in Good Location

This a good house, was made by a good and strong wood. Its looks from the construction of this house. Most of the house part is made by wood. The location of this house on shores of Lake Walensee in Switzerland, and was designed by K_M Architektur. Then the name of this house is The Walensee House. This house is viewed the good scenery, because indeed around the house a nice natural. This house not only view the nice lake but also view of nice mountain near this house, it's so nice to sty here.

This house divided into two level, for the first level its can be using for dinning room. The dinning room could be overlook the beautiful lake in order or may be nice mountain near this house. We can feel as eating in open air. And for second level of this house can be use as a private room, like bedroom, or relaxing place while looking at the naturally beauty around of this house. Nor we can feel a nine air in the morning while enjoying the coffee and bread with our partners. 

Not only in the morning we can enjoy the surrounding of natural scenery from this house. We can enjoy it in the night too, with our family may be, or our couple. Accompanied by the starry night sky and the flow of lake water to soothe the soul and the melodious sound of insects night. "Perfect" the word for this house.

Charming Residence With Unique Design and Bright Colors

This residence is very charming and unique. Was build at Cottesleo Australia. The designer make this house with the purpose this building or this residence need not large place to build. If we see from the residence design, this residence use the modern style. Seen from a flat roof and so this residence model not in the widens build. And this house have two level floors. Usually for first floor is using for guest place or family meeting, but in this house is using for children room. And for the second floor is using for guest place or we can use to see the surrounding of this house.

Although construction is minimalistic this house have large enough a swimming pool, play room and children zoning in back side of this house. And this residence is have a large enough farm, this farm can be using for child playing, or other outdoor agenda.  Essentially the building is really very interesting especially coupled scenery around is very charming.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Minimalist House and Unique

The amazing house, its the first sentence was cross in our mind. This house was design as triangle, simple and unique we will fell comfort to stay in this house. The created this house is a British architect William O’Brien Jnr and its called by Allandale. This house divide in two levels. The first level is longer enough space, its usually using for public space or to receive the guest or may by using for big agenda like a party house or other agenda that use the longer space. And for the second level its using may be for private room or family room and we can decorated this space for reading room. And this house have more longer enough glass of windows, which allows the owner can enjoy to see the surrounding the nice view. The house with minimalist and modern style, is build in nice place and nice model. The house looks integrates with natural surroundings. All of this house model give the amazing house, unique, and interesting to build and to stay in this building.

Nice and Beautiful Residece

This is amazing building was build by combine wood, stone, and glass, very attractive. Was build on San Juan Island, Washington State location the residence name is The North Bay Architects. The designer of this beautiful residence is Prentiss Archutects. The creator of this residence wan to showoff all of nature condition from this residence location. And the creator want to give to the owner this house comfort during occupied. The perimeter wall is made by strong stone, but have nice architecture and beautiful to look at. Not just the perimeter wall is using the stone, but most of this house wall use of stone arranged in such a way than looks so nice and beautiful. 
This building seen together with the natural. Because the material of this building using the natural material like strong stone, nice wood, and beautiful glass of windows. Its all combined with a careful and interesting. And this building can be filled with items that are not too expensive, just where the layout in that space. 

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Unique, Simple and Beautiful Building

This home is very unique. Why?? its build in small enough place, but does not reduce the benefits of a home or building. This building was designed by five design-build students in a graduate architecture class at Academy of Art University, San Francisco. This home consist in two level. But it appears looks like a floor, its amazing. The material of this building almost all made of wood shaped like a line. This thing indicated that the house is simple and this house still environment kindly. The barring stairs are made with combination a good wood and strong iron. And for the stairs is made in such way than the owner feel comfort when up the stairs. And this building is made like traditional house in Indonesia country the name is Rumah Panggung, because this house have pit even a small. And this house have large enough glass of windows, this thing is using the owner to see the surrounding of this house. One again this house have enough garden, if the owner want to plant some plants.  

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

The Elegan and Charming House

This villa is very beautiful, the located in southeast corner of Hong Kong Island, in Shek-O. This house is design by Olson Kundig Architects. This house embrace the modern style, we can see from the material and the shape of this house. Built this house in order to enjoy the nature around the home, because in this house many large of glass of windows. These house is surrounded by natural landscape, like a mountain, trees, and green grass. These all was made aiming the owner can fell the naturally of nature. 
Shifted to the rear, there is a small pool of water that flows to the ground. Its made that the owner can be relaxation in any given time while observing scenery around specially to see the beautiful mountain that is in the corner of this house located. If seen to the other corner from this part, we can enjoy the blue sky in the distance.

Get into the inside of this house, we will fine the other of the little water poll. These pools are made only as a decoration, or we can also keep the fish on it. Above this pool was built roof, its used to protect from exposure the direct sun. And also added the roof with two little charming of the lamp, is made to appear attractive at night.

moderen, Simple, and Unique House

The name of this house is Villa of Hellearmen, the located is in Norway. Its looks simple, but more interesting for us, can build in land that is not too large. This house very unique, consists two levels. For the first level it can used for guest visited or other activity with our family.

We can see for the first level in front side large of glass of windows, its make the house like as have a big hall. And from this side the owner can see the green land in front of the house. And for the second level of this house made in such a way to indicated that house is unique, because several of this part made by nice shape of wood. And from this side the owner can see around of this house. In front of this house there is a enough of green grass. In the front of the corner side there are two relax chair, its can use when the owner want to see the sky scenery.  Finally this building is very perfect to stay in or living in this house with our family, and can be applied in urban areas.


simple houses, glamorous and environmentally

This house located in Hanko, Finland. The name of this house is Villa Isabela. Its made in large enough space surrounded by nice nature scenery. The construction of this building average made from natural material. The wall is made from nice wood. And the wood painted as like this to make the house looks very naturally and glamor. This thing deliberately used to make the house air felt cool, although the location of this house is surrounding by high trees and natural scenery. The windows is made from large enough of glass, to easier the owner of this house to see the natural scenery.  
 The laying of windows glass arrange as like this to make this house more interesting to live in here. Several of this house is made too from hard stone. This stone used to make this house have more character of old house, but still maintain the modernity and luxurious. Growing into the hall the outside, this can be favorite place from this house. There are a set of tables to see the scenery of house surrounded. And a tree close there to make the air still frees.


Simple, Unique and Interesting Home Design

This house is located in a green forest in Garrison, New York. Around of this building look's very nice, because they are many high of trees and many of green grass. The around of this house can make our body or our family more healthy. We can see the model of this home is simple but can make us more interesting to stay in this home. The form of this home is just rectangular. Easy and simple to made this house, and form of the roof from this house embraced the modern style. Construction of this house consist of wood and large glass windows. this thing how can make this house more and more interesting.
Shifts to side, we know the form of this house like "T". Structure of this house made in such way as to owner of this house feel comfort. The glass of windows is large it make the owner of the house can see the around of the scenery. The wood material is using to made this house was cool. Terrace of houses made so minimalist, because the owner wanted to create an extensive garden area. The large or extensive garden area can using for all outdoor activity. In this house have a large enough swimming pool. Made in such way as to swimmer can see the sky when the swimmer is swim. Its make in close enough from the main house, but still in the scope of home or in side of fence house.